Ola Electric may face difficulties in the upcoming days and its share price might go down as we can see after 6 weeks of relief from the Karnataka High Court, the CCPA has intensified its investigation against ola electric as we can see in the year 2024 October 8 CCPA had first launched their show cause notice.
CCPA had given enough time for Ola Electric to resolve the complaints which were filed by the consumer but we can see they could not meet the guidelines and in between they had issued fake details about complaints getting resolved which resulted in the share price on the NSE and BSE.
But today in the morning we can see CCPA has again issued an investigation and asked for a proper report as many consumers have raised their concerns and Ola Electric has failed to maintain proper trust for their brand.
Overall now we have to see how the Central Consumer Protection Authority deals with the Ola company to resolve the complaints that are raised by the consumer.