Bulk metering in residential buildings moves residents away from the Gruha Jyothi scheme.

Bulk metering in residential buildings moves residents away from the Gruha Jyothi scheme.

For years, numerous builders in Bengaluru have given private metering to tenants of their residential complexes via a single High Tension (HT) connection from the Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (Bescom), rather than individual Low Tension (LT) meters. While some households had previously opposed it, the number of residents visiting Bescom to inquire about ways to convert to LT has recently surged as a result of the Gruha Jyothi plan.
Many builders choose a single HT connection to save money. According to a Bescom spokesperson, there are 850 such domestic dwelling complexes within the utility’s jurisdiction. Most of them live in Bengaluru.
“In the recent year, inhabitants of four or five residential complexes have inquired about LT conversion because they wish to benefit from the Gruha Jyothi plan. Previously, some homeowners would come asking for conversion because they did not want to miss out on benefits such as solar rooftop installations; now it is Gruha Jyothi,” the official added.
A resident of an apartment complex on Sarjapur Road, stated that Gruha Jyothi was one of the many complaints locals have about the HT setup. “Despite our insistence, the builder refuses to allow us convert to individual LT meters. We are concerned that after the RWA has been constituted and the building handed over, We are concerned that after the RWA is formed and the building is handed over, all outstanding balances owed by the builder (to Bescom) will be shared by the building occupants. They also utilize separate software to generate bills for our private meters, and if there is a glitch in the program, some residents may be incorrectly charged more,” he stated.
According to Bescom’s tariff structure, LT consumers pay less than HT consumers. However, in such systems, consumers are forced to pay the HT price for electricity.”The LT and HT categories have distinct reasons. Technically, each house should fall under the LT, and it is not acceptable on the builders’ side to have

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